Thursday, July 9, 2015

SGMS State Media Festival Winners

Congratulations to our Georgia State Media Festival Winners! We are super proud of them and commend them for creating awesome technology projects!

2014-2015 SGMS Media Festival Winners

Congratulations to our students who participated and received outstanding recognition at the school and county level media festival!

Super Readers!

Students who met their AR goals for each nine weeks of school received a "Reading is My Super Power, What's Your's? t-shirt! Some of our super readers are pictured below.

4th Nine Weeks Movie Party

Students who met their goals for the last nine weeks of school enjoyed watching a super hero movie and eating pizza!

3rd Nine Weeks Kite Party

Students who met their AR goals for the 3rd Nine Weeks of school enjoyed flying kites and eating ice cream sundaes!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

2nd Nine Weeks Wii Party

Students who met their A.R. Goals for the 2nd Nine Weeks enjoyed playing the Wii and receiving their treat bags.